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This reading response is for Chapter 03 of the text and will be led by RJ Paez. The discussion of Chapter 02 will be started by Ki Reynolds.  Each of you needs to respond to one of these two points.  The initial prompts should be posted bu 5pm on Friday.  Your responses are due before class on Wednesday of next week (since we have no class on Monday).  Keep in mind that also due on that Wednesday is all of your back work that you may be behind on, be it blog posts, written chapter responses, maps, posting of work to the wiki – whatever you may be missing needs to be done in the next week.  Hopefully, if you are missing anything, it is not much.

Thanks, RJ.  The stage is yours…

This reading response is for Chapter 02 of the text and will be led by Ki Reynolds. The discussion of Chapter 03 will be started by RJ Paez.  Each of you needs to respond to one of these two points.  The initial prompts should be posted bu 5pm on Friday.  Your responses are due before class on Wednesday of next week (since we have no class on Monday).  Keep in mind that also due on that Wednesday is all of your back work that you may be behind on, be it blog posts, written chapter responses, maps, posting of work to the wiki – whatever you may be missing needs to be done in the next week.  Hopefully, if you are missing anything, it is not much.


Thanks, Ki.  The stage is yours…

Okay, before we get to the copied and pasted intro telling you about Brian’s post, I need to take a second to once again remind you all that there is not enough discussion occurring on the blog.  Please understand that in order for you to really gain a more in-depth and personalized understanding of these points (not to mention their application), then you need to engage these ideas in vigorous critical discourse.  That is what this blog is all about.  So, please take these opportunities to really dig into these readings.  Keep in mind that this reading begins to introduce to us the opportunity to focus on the reading of maps and not just the reading of writing about maps.  You can discuss ideas presented through text or graphics.  Either way, let’s get into these things, since our time in class to do so is so limited.  Now…

This post is set up for Bryan Sablan to begin a discussion about the reading you all did for this past week.  As we discussed in class on Wednesday, Kyle is also leading a discussion on this reading.  You need to respond to at least one of them.

Thanks Bryan.  It’s all yours.

This post is set up for Kyle Meeks to begin a discussion about the reading you all did for this past week.  As we discussed in class on Wednesday, Bryan is also leading a discussion on this reading.  You need to respond to at least one of them.

Thanks Kyle.  It’s all yours.

This post is set up for Miguel Obregon to begin a discussion about the reading you all did the week of Spring break.  As we discussed in class on Wednesday, Dustin will also lead a discussion on this reading.  You need to respond to at least one of them.

Thanks Miguel.  It’s all yours.

This post is set up for Dustin Carter to begin a discussion about the reading you all did the week of Spring break.  As we discussed in class on Wednesday, Miguel will also lead a discussion on this reading.  You need to respond to at least one of them.

Thanks Dustin.  It’s all yours.

By now, you all know the drill.  Luis, get us going please, sir.


At the request of John Charbonneau, and because it’s just a good idea, we will engage in a blog discussion for the TED Talk by Aaron Korbin for which I emailed you all a link on Hulu.  I’ll include the link below again, if you missed it.  This post/discussion thread will act just like our usual readings.  John will start us off and then you all are responsible to chime in and expand the discourse related to it.  As always, happy watching, reading writing and thinking.  John C…

This week’s blog response will be led by our Houstonian, John Griffith.  This week there is only one initial blog post, so everyone will be chiming in on this discussion.  Please remember that all responses to John’s initial post need to be up by Monday morning.  However, the sooner you reply, the better.  Waiting until Sunday night (or Monday morning) doesn’t allow for everyone to really read your post in enough depth to engage it in their conversation (for most weeks, at least.  This week is certainly an exception).

In conjunction with that and as a reminder, we will not have class this coming Monday so the next reading and map will both be due on Wednesday.  However, the blog deadlines will remain the same.  It would be dangerous to put everything off until Wednesday.  For Monday, I encourage you all to attend the faculty search lecture if you can (11am, 1st floor gallery).  Coincidentally, it will be me lecturing – but that’s not why I encourage your attendance.  The point is that this position could be a catalyst for great things for the college and it deserves all of our attention and support.  Such participation builds culture.  The other two candidates will be coming in a few weeks and you should try to attend those lectures, as well.

Okay, back to the reading response: John, the mic is all yours.

This blog discussion will be started by Scott.  Another topic from the reading will be generated by Brittney. Everyone needs to respond to one (or both) of them before we meet on Monday.

Thank you and happy discussing.