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Since we are quickly approaching the end of the semester, we need to get a handle on the final project for the class: the mapping of Lubbock’s identity according to your interpretation.  To do this, we need to be organized and it is helpful if everyone know what is happening elsewhere in the course, so you can work as a collective group of critical participants.  For this post, I want you all to respond and in that response do a couple of things.  See below:

.01_ Name the group members (2 or 3 people per group, no more – no less).  Also, only one group member need respond.

.02_ State clearly and succinctly in one short paragraph what exactly you are proposing to map.  Keep in mind, this can be input oriented.  Im not asking for the answer here – just a clear question.  Are you going for depth or breadth?  How much of Lubbock will be mapped?  What are you mapping?  What does it mean?  Why is it important?

.03_ Explain the basic workload and how it is proposed to be divided up amongst group members.  How much will be done?  Who will do it?

.04_ Respond to this post by class on Monday, following the criteria above.  We will discuss proposals and give feedback as a group in class.

Best of luck.



  1. 01_

    The group is formed by: Paola Muniz Garcia, Cathy Luo, and Adrianna Tobias.


    Idea_01 International students create a big part of TTU. However, how much of their identity do they leave in the city? and how does or does not add identity to the city?

    Idea_02 Relationship between bars and churches on Broadway St. and how does it add to the culture of Lubbock?


    The workload would be equally distributed and the goal is to work in group in order to unfold as much as possible.

    We are not sure what to map yet of those ideas so, any input would be great on thoughts about our mapping proposals! Thanks!

  2. 01_

    The group is formed by Ki, Scott & John Charby.


    A cultural hub is formed at the armatures of 19th & Q and is manifested by Whataburger. This crossroads after common business hours offers a cross section of individuals living near and being entertained in close proximity to this point. How does this cultural overlap represent a cross section of Lubbock’s population? Venue type, seating patterns, and group densities are to be studied and related to time, place and choice of artery clogging.


    Tasks include occupying Whataburger for multiple hour spans several nights in a row, documenting times of entry, occupant loads, and potential eavesdropping to understand individual identities or cluster identities. Multiple shifts will be assigned for the occupation. A clear definition of what to be recorded will be developed from all three parties so information collection is relatively even and comprehensive.

  3. Lubbock Identity Mapping Proposal

    01_ Alexander Bingham, Kyle Meeks & Travis Shappell

    02_ An observational analysis of circulation regarding automobiles, bicycles and other movements approaching the intersection of Boston and 26th through a sectional street profile at a given distance from the intersection.

    03_ Photo-documentation, analog-documentation, ice-cream and coffee runs, illustrator computation. Overall, the workload will be equally-unevenly distributed between the 7 members of total 3. Maps will be generated of the mapping process.


  4. Luis Bustamante, Brittney Phillips, Evelyn Valdez
    We will attempt to map our histories in Lubbock from the day we moved here and the growth of the number of places we have become familiar with. Through our different experiences and capabilities to move around, we hope unveil trends and places of common interest and their proximity to our homes. How long does it take a new student to become familiar with Lubbock beyond the simple grid of streets with and discover their favorite parts with the slow gain of confidence to explore and revisit a location? Because this will rely heavily on each of our different modes of transportation, we’ll be measuring the breadth of Lubbock as it pertains to ones growing extent of familiarity of the city of Lubbock. Through the use of layering techniques, each of our roles in this study will be similar in our attempt to remember how we discovered Lubbock. Initially, general timelines with important events of discovery and rediscovery will be needed to map distances, routes, districts and destinations. We will marry our maps by layering them and also by setting specific graphical responses to the way we map our actions to unfold our stories.

  5. John Griffith
    Houston Mapping Proposal

    1 _ No Zoning /
    Identify a typical Houston location (area/super neighborhood) where the lack of zoning creates instances or moments of conflict. Specifically my proposal is to investigate moments of scalar shift and program shift in a portion of the city that best resembles and identifies with distinct urban edge conditions. These edge conditions also typically define enclaves within the city which will become the patchwork and study of my mapping proposal.

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